Pink Month 2023 (2)

"During the treatment period, I felt extremely exhausted and just wanted to quickly finish the treatment. Throughout this year, I still felt anxious and uneasy. However, one day as I walked through the park, I noticed tender leaves sprouting on the trees. Suddenly, I felt the beauty of nature's four seasons, and in that moment, my mood became calm. I felt that I should continue on this path and start a new life. Now, I appreciate the beauty of nature and often visit the park to admire the trees and flowers." This is a sharing from a breast cancer survivor.

These words inspired us to take action, creating a Pink Ribbon with #(BS Environmental Protection) forming a connection that generates wonderful ripples. We hope that someone will benefit from it.

BS has been a Pink Partner supporting breast cancer patients for many years. This year, during the Pink Month in October, in addition to the usual donations, each BS team has agreed to wear pink attire and attach a 话题标签PinkRibbon made from environmentally friendly material (话题标签BSlace) on October 13th. While fastening the pink buttons for each other, its express mutual recognition of the intention to "Care for Others, Care for the Community" and establish a connection. This sentiment is also dedicated to the patients, and hope that all women will undergo early examinations to maintain their physical and mental well-being.



October 14, 2023