Stepped into NFT artworks, Bright Sun Studio paints landscape of happy tenure

To boost awareness in preserving the earth and the value of sustainability, BS Studio takes a lively start to her footprint in NFT artwork, weaving together an ideal appearance of the nature into a calm and tame scenery with textural soft lace. Progressing the continuance of Bright Sun’s “Green Plus”, in the art “The Green Circulation”, elements intersect with each other in a fluid world where light, air, water, and other planet creatures are central to human vividity, while balancing and harmonical co-existence are conditions for happiness. The art, creating a new climatic, visual, and emotional mood in appealing to the meaning of interactivity and connectedness about green concern, aims at the new generation to feel the value while enjoying style.

Full of revel in the contrasts and changes given by Nature and real passion in transforming them into lace and textile materials, another NFT art named “Be Yourself Be Real” represents BS Studio’s pursuit for creativity in an individualistic and authentic dynamic. It is more than a piece of art ostensible with layers of colors, but a world of motifs which are worthy exploring. In her 20th anniversary, the Studio presented the two art pieces to the Bright Sun management in expressing gratitude to the supports and continuous investment in validating creativity of textile design to the newest technology.

今年是BS Studio成立二十週年,Studio 除在日常運作致力創作、 紡織技術及科技應用的創新外,為慶祝這特別的年份,設計组同事以持續發展內的「綠生態」為題, 繪製兩幅畫作,並以NFT(非同質化通證),以數據形式儲存在區塊鏈的藝術畫廊裏 。

紡織貴為歷史悠久的行業,發展至今,尤其是花邊、刺繡較高技術及藝術表現的織物,由最早的工匠至最新的紡織技術,一直不離人的生活型態及流轉。除創造時尚外,近年更將環保課題置設為BS Studio 創新的必需元素。

首創的兩幅NFT藝術,糅合紡織、地球生態及追求創新的熱誠,旨在以另一方式讓新一代認識潮流背後的價值觀; 同時落實工匠精神與數位科技的連結,期待更多年青人以新角度享受及參與時尚創意,並以更新的織物科技傳承。

公司管理層喜見BS Studio 將創作意念發展至數位藝術,於聖誕及新年派對上,頒發獎狀特意嘉許。



December 16, 2022